Dear Heart,

Well, our time together is coming to an end. I don’t know when, but you will soon be leaving me. I’m having a really hard time saying goodbye. You’ve been the center of my life for 41 years. Every decision I made had you factored in. I’ve thought about you and cared for you for every day of my life.  When the time comes, and I finally get the call, I’m going to wake up and instantly know that you are gone.

You may have been defective and short on parts, mended and battery operated, but I was proud to call you mine. You were one in a million; you made me special, you made me unique, and you made me memorable.  Having you was part of my identity and your imperfections made me who I am.

We certainly have had our struggles. There have been times I hated you and wished you were perfect like the hearts everyone else had. But sitting here today, I wouldn’t change a thing about our time together. I know that my life would’ve been vastly different without you. I probably would have made some different choices, prioritized different things, had some different experiences, and met different people. I would have had more tattoos. I would have ridden roller coasters and been more adventurous. I would have become a mother. But you gave me more than you took away. You gave me character. You gave me strength. You made me feisty. You gave me a different perspective on life that few people get to have. You helped me find the people that matter. You gave me inspiration, ambition, and passion. Because of you I got to prove all the people that doubted me wrong.

And you did everything a heart is supposed to do. You’ve been broken and filled with sorrow. You been in love and filled with joy. You melted when I held my niece for the first time. You were promised to the love of my life.

There are people out there who have gotten/will get to hold you in their hands. Sadly, I won’t be one of them. I so desperately want to touch you and see all the things that have made you special.

Thank you for working longer than any doctor predicted you would. Thank you for working so hard for so long. I know that you are tired and taxed. Even though you won’t be a part of me  anymore, all the things I’ve learned from you, all that I am because of you and all the joy and love you’re filled with will carry over to my new heart.

Love, Liz

PS- I’m gonna campaign for you to be returned to me in a vial so I can wear you around my neck, but no promises. Apparently, that is a creepy request.

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