Free to be Feistier

By most people’s standards, I had a pretty crappy summer. Just to recap all the chaos, I spent ten days in the hospital, I got diagnosed with a new medical condition, I have been on medical leave from my job for almost three months and […]

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My bravery is a farce…

If you are facing a big scary medical test, which you are already very nervous about and involves a very large needle, don’t be the idiot who does a Google image search for “how big is a liver biopsy needle” because you will just freak […]

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How the mighty have fallen…

I keep using the phrase “how the mighty have fallen” to joke about the drastic change my life has taken in the past month. “How the mighty have fallen…last month I was drinking Diet Cokes with abandon, today I am peeing into a vacuum.” “How […]

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But you don’t look sick…

“You sure don’t look sick.” “You would never know that something was wrong with you just by looking at you.” “Well, at least you look healthy.” If I had a nickel for every time I have heard one of the above sentences, I would probably […]

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Ode to the Pee Vacuum

Twenty three pounds of fluid. Twenty three pounds. Almost 15% of my body weight in less than a week. What’s my secret? A constant flow of IV Lasix and the wondrous, new fangled Pee Vacuum. Ok, it’s actually called a Pure Wick External Female Catheter. […]

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